fredag 13. april 2012

Latvia: Anmary - Beautiful song

Linda Amantova som er Anmarys virkelige navn, er nok en utslått talentshowdeltaker som prøver lykken i ESC.  Latvia stiller med en skikkelig tulle-sang som handler om hvor fint og fantastisk det hadde vært å vinne ESC, for da hadde alle sammen husket låten og henne for alltid.  Akkurat som Johnny Logan. 
Låten i seg selv er såpass dårlig at jeg ikke gidder kritisere hennes manglende sjarme og skumle øyne, dårlige engelsk eller sure toner.  Denne låten tviler jeg på vi får se i finalen.  Innse det Anmary, du rekker ikke Johnny Logan opp til knehasene engang.  Men kjoleskifte, det liker vi!

I was born in distant nineteen-eighty
The year that Irish Johnny Logan won
Thirty years ago, they still remember
So dream away
Today's the day
I'm singing out my song

When I join this grand parade of winners
And we've made this song a worldwide hit
I will buy oh my own mike to sing in
And all the jobs I've had before I'm surely gonna quit

Beautiful song is on the radio, is in the tv shows and so on and on
Beautiful song that everybody hums and everybody loves

My Mom said I'd grow up to be a singer

And Daddy smiled when gave me my guitar
I do my best, and I'll be so much better
Brightest of the highest and the farthest of the stars

And on that day when Sir Mick Jagger phones me
Tell him, please, that I am very busy
Writing brand new songs with Paul McCartney
So sorry Mick, I'll call you back, someday I'll call you back...

Beautiful song is on the radio, is in the tv shows and so on and on
Beautiful song that everybody hums and everybody loves

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